Make sure your voter information is up to date by scanning the QR code below.
or click HERE to go to the portal on the Secretary of State’s website.
Lake County Montana
Make sure your voter information is up to date by scanning the QR code below.
or click HERE to go to the portal on the Secretary of State’s website.
The quote from Ronald Reagan is an excerpt from a letter that should be read by every American citizen with a patriotic bone in their body. A Canary in a Coal Mine-GOP Letter Side 1 rev 1.0 – Letter from the Missoula County Republican Central Committee and the Gallatin County Republican Women.
Lindell’s PCAPs: Part of a PSYOP – Deeper Dive!
What the full forensic audit revealed. Pressed for time? Start at minute mark 39:50.
Let’s Talk About Our Country! Will America Survive? (
What is actually right? Is “motor voter” a good system for safe and secure elections? Renewing your driver license with Montana MVD, you are asked whether you’d like to register to vote. Check a box for whether you are a citizen or not. Honor system? A migrant was seen picking up a fistful of voter registrations at an MVD office. Can all the registrations be reliably verified for nationality before the elections? Maybe this system should be ended? How? A TRO describing the damages you suffer as a voter when people whose citizenship has not been sufficiently verified are allowed to register to vote/ballots are sent out without sufficient verification? How do we know that only verified citizens are on the voter rolls?
CISA has sounded the alarm that a cyberattack may happen on election day. Did the federal government listen to concerns expressed by We the People after the 2020 elections? The head of CISA at the time claimed that the elections were the safest ever. Is that what has been evidenced? Or was evidence of maladministration suppressed? So, what may be the reason for the alarm? Is the federal government now concerned that our voices may not be heard? It just seems interesting that this alarm pushes people into early voting, maybe signing up for mail ballots, which are the main problem pointed at by election integrity teams. Discernment is truly needed at every turn… Either way, we are lucky to be relying on paper ballots at Lake County polling locations! A cyberattack can’t change what is on paper.
Do what you can to help make elections TOO BIG TO RIG. When some are flooding the voting “market” with votes in numbers that are hard to verify, you can, for example, offer a ride to people that may have troubles making it to the elections office or their polling station. We MUST counter any attempts to disenfranchise legitimate voters. Our local thinker points to new questionable processes: “Newest […] ploy to overcome legal voting: harvest the Americans’ overseas ballots. Trying to ‘count’ 9 million mail-ins, while the state department only knows of 2.8 million Expats… Given 0 IDs, 0 signatures, all ‘mailed in’ by Email. It resurrects much of the 2020 tactics to flood the zone.” – Voicing concerns, rightfully so, without needing to be called a conspiracy theorist, considering evidence that has been brought to light over the years. In addition, the 1st Amendment is still in place, which gives citizens the right to voice concerns!
Abortion is already legal in Montana. This initiative makes unfettered abortions constitutional. Hopefully, those who worked hard to open the eyes of the voters on this messy initiative will find a way to still keep it from having its downstream effects…
Montana CI-126/127. Here’s a simple illustration to explain why I will be voting NO.
A group of 100 people vote on dessert. The choices are:
The votes come in:
49 people vote for Brownies, 24 in favor of Apple Pie,
17 in favor of Brussel Sprouts, and
10 for Peas.
Peas are out, but all 10 of those voters chose Brussel Sprouts as their 2nd choice, so the next tally is 49 for Brownies, 27 for Brussel Sprouts, and 24 for Apple Pie. Now Apple Pie is out, but as luck would have it all of the Apple Pie voters had Peas as their 2nd choice, but since Peas was already eliminated it went to their 3rd place vote which was, you guessed it, Brussel Sprouts.
Our final tally:
Brussel Sprouts 51
Brownies 49.
The 49 Brownies lovers hate Brussel Sprouts and chose them as their 4th place pick, but they like Apple Pie and chose it as their 2nd place pick. The 17 people who chose Brussel sprouts as their 1st place vote all had Brownies as their 2nd choice, but since Brussel Sprouts was never eliminated those 2nd place votes were never tallied.
So Brownies, with 49 1st place votes, 17 2nd place votes and only 24 4th place votes, loses to Brussel Sprouts that won 17 1st place votes, 10 2nd place votes, 24 3rd place votes and 49 4th place votes. But Apple Pie also had 73 1st and 2nd choice votes. The only people really happy in this scenario are the 17 people that really really like Brussel Sprouts, and maybe 10 more that think they’re “ok”.
Does a system that allows for this possibility sound like a good system? Brownies won 66 1st and 2nd place votes while Brussel sprouts only got 27 1st and 2nd place votes. And poor Apple Pie received 73 1st and 2nd place votes and eliminated in the 2nd round!
RCV fails to consider 2nd choice preferences for the last eliminated and the winner, giving more weight to fewer 2nd or 3rd choices.
This is why people say that ranked choice voting is unfair
It counts SOME people’s 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place votes while not counting others. Furthermore, in the final tally, one person’s begrudging 3rd or 4th place vote CARRIES JUST AS MUCH WEIGHT as another person’s 1st place preference.
Montanans do not want open primaries where those who are not even registered Republicans may vote for the most left leaning Republican candidate to possibly stop the most conservative from winning. We want the candidate who receives the greatest number of votes to be the winner!
Google is clearly pushing to paint a certain picture. Interestingly, a very liberal pundit once described the electoral system in the following way:
Smartmatic election software is in broad use – in our country as well. It was reportedly created by a duo from Venezuela with connections to Hugo Chavez according to Patrick Byrne. Interesting.
Example of what happened in Argentina last year: (9) Patrick Byrne on X: “Yesterday in Argentina, a left-wing Peronist Economics Minister who has delivered 140% inflation and a collapse of the Argentina economy, and who got skunked in August’s primary, won in an upset victory. What technology powered the election? Our old friends at Smartmatic!” / X
If you are confronted with people who refuse to believe that our elections are compromised, here is a documentary you can recommend. It shows how lawfare seems to be where we lose out every time. Would that be the case if the findings of the only in-depth full forensic audit had been used by attorneys and our judicial system was what it should be? True evidence is constantly being suppressed. Why? Election workers, poll watchers, lawmakers, and any voter can learn a lot through FireAxe.Academy, even details that were not to be found in Kari Lake’s tool bag in Arizona.
Watch State of Denial here.
With many forms of maladministration proven in connection with the 2020 and 2022 elections nationwide, it has become evident that lawmakers, poll workers, possible auditors as well as the general public (the voters themselves) can benefit greatly from training on different aspects of the election processes. How do we know if a ballot is authentic, how do we know if our vote will count as intended, how do we know what the machines ballots are put into actually do?
Food for thought:
Join FireAxe.Academy for detailed information on the hundreds of ways your vote can be compromised! A host of short informative videos can enlighten listeners in minutes on, for example, the subjects listed in the above meme.
The video below discusses three very important subjects: 1. Voter rolls, and how to do the work on them right and make it count. 2. Blank ballots. A vigilant voter took on herself to audit ballot statistics in the elections in San Francisco, and discovered that a mass of blank ballots went into the system in 2020, and now we know blank ballots seem to float in systems all over the country. Why? 3. Who has read/write access to voter rolls? What are the implications?
Watch the video here.
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FireAxe.Academy gives you a good idea of evidence that can be suppressed so it never sees the light in courts. Courts must have empirical evidence. Thousands of statements – affidavits – were turned in after the elections in 2020, but what happened to them? Well, if they aren’t of the kind courts must pay attention to – jurat affidavits, they CAN be ignored, obviously. Learn the difference. Notary Essentials: The difference between acknowledgments and jurats | NNA (
Oklahoma Scrubs Voter Rolls, Removing Over 453,000 Registrations to (
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Read the complete filing HERE.
Link to US Supreme Court docket HERE.
Declarations by experts found at
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Charlie Kirk and Turning Point Action are encouraging us to “Chase The Vote”. Yes, absolutely, we must get the vote out!
You can help by talking to friends, family, and neighbors and discussing how crucial it is for We the People to activate and show up at the polls. We must outvote a system that is working against us, so be mindful of how, when, and where you cast your vote.
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More and more people are becoming aware of strange things happening in elections. It means that we need to vote now MORE THAN EVER before!
From the Western Journal:
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the 2024 election is the most important of most Americans’ lifetimes. As that election nears, we at The Western Journal are committed to cutting through the lies and exposing the truth about the left’s plans to end America as we know it.
They’re going to do everything they can to silence the truth and erase conservatives like you and like us. But they can’t do that if we join together.
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Elected officials may be pushing agendas you do not like. How about our water rights?
Think about who promotes the Water Compact. What is the stance on PL280?
Inform Yourself
How do you know whether the elections in your county are being conducted according to the law? Become a poll watcher to find out. Poll watchers make sure election workers are enforcing and observing the law when ballots are cast and counted. In short, poll watchers provide accountability. To become a poll watcher, you may need to be appointed by a candidate, political party, or issue group.
Inform yourself about best practices for securing elections. What is your state doing to protect election integrity? This is not iVoterGuide’s area of expertise, but you can find an assessment of your state’s laws from the Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard. Then contact your elected officials to request that they do more to secure your elections.
Find out where your candidates stand on election integrity. For example, when iVoterGuide evaluates candidates for state legislature, governor, Secretary of State, and other state offices, we ask whether they believe people should be able to vote without photo identification. You may need to do your own research if your candidates failed to answer our questionnaire or if our voter guide doesn’t cover every election on your ballot (yet!).
Take Action
Tell 10 friends to register to vote. The simplest way to counter election fraud is to overwhelm it with legitimate votes. Point your friends to our article, Now’s the Time to Register to Vote, to get them started!
Serve as an election worker. Did you know that in 2016, two election workers in Texas conspired to illegally cast a ballot for one of their daughters? Thankfully, other election workers noticed and reported the fraud. This is just one example of the need for honest people to serve in these positions. You can find out how to serve through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
This is the most basic act of defiance against voter fraud. In response to the question, “Will my vote count?”, a good friend and iVoterGuide staff member said,
“There is a way to secure a 100% guarantee that your vote will not count: stay home and let others make the decisions on who should have power to impact your life and family.”
The fewer people who vote, the easier it is to swing an election. That’s true with legal or fraudulent votes! If you and I stay home, we censor ourselves and fulfill the fraudsters’ wishes. We become the perpetrators of cancel culture by cancelling ourselves! Don’t give in!
Be Bold
Do you believe God is sovereign? I do. Let’s live like Christ truly is on the throne … which He is. “For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” (Romans 13:1) God created governments, and He appoints rulers, kings, and even presidents.
How big is your God? There is no problem too great for my God! He is not confounded when sinful people try to subvert justice, order, and liberty. He has put us here “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
Let’s not grow weary of doing good (including voting wisely!), even when evil appears very powerful. Proverbs
28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Let’s not flee from our duty when we are in the right.
Stay informed. Stay active. Know what your candidates believe … and vote boldly!
Commissioner of Political Practices
Information on Political Signs
What is the COPP’s role with political signs? And what are the disclaimer requirements for political signs?
(see the below information as a PDF)
When it comes to political signs, the COPP has jurisdiction only in upholding and enforcing ATTRIBUTION requirements. In other words, the only oversight over political signs that the COPP has is in ensuring the required “paid for by” attribution message is included, and that the expense is disclosed fully in a campaign finance report.
The COPP does not have oversight over when citizens may begin to display political signs or when those signs must be taken down.
Click here for Information on ‘PAID FOR BY’, what it must include, FAQ, and Updated Non-Attributed Material
Attribution Information: All election and electioneering communications are legally required to include attribution that identifies the entity that paid for the communication.
All paid campaign materials meant to support a candidate or ballot issue must include a “paid for by” attribution message disclosing the entity that financed the material. This includes—but is not limited to—campaign mailers, radio ads, yard signs, boosted Facebook or Instagram posts, etc. The ‘PAID FOR BY’ message must be large enough to be readable, and must identify the entity who financed the communication, and their listed mailing address. Attribution requirements vary between candidates and committees. For more information, familiarize yourself with attribution requirements and how to report paid political communications.
If the material is too small for the disclaimer to be included (e.g. with a text, keychain, etc.), a copy of the material and the attribution information must be sent to the COPP to be approved for use to avoid potential campaign practices complaints. This information is publicly accessible on the COPP’s website. For more details on non-attributed campaign communications, review this information. More guidance on the “paid for by” attribution requirements is available on the COPP’s website.
See Mont. Code Ann 13-25-225 and 44.11.601(2) ARM for the full attribution requirements and applicability.
What is the role of local government in determining political sign timelines? (e.g. when signs can go up and must be taken down?)
The Office of Political Practices often receives phone inquiries regarding the timeline for placing political signs. As stated above, the COPP has no jurisdiction over when political signs may be displayed, and does not know the specific requirements for each Montana municipality. Local governments (I.e. a city council or county commission) are responsible for regulating when political signs may be placed and when they must be taken down. Contact your local city or county government for more information.
The Montana Department of Transportation is responsible for sign regulations along Montana roadways or right of way (see the below information for more details).
What is the role of the Montana Department of Transportation (MTDOT) in regulating the placement of political signs on Montana roadways?
(This information comes from a 2012 notices from the MTDOT’s Right of Way Bureau)
Political campaign committees, and candidates are being reminded again about restrictions on where their signs can be placed. Signs on highway fences, utility poles, and otherwise on state right of way are not allowed and are being removed by Department of Transportation crews.
With landowner’s consent, political signs may be placed alongside the highway on privately owned land. Many signs are being placed in ditches or on the highway side of fences. State crews must remove them and store them until the owners can pick them up. Candidates, and their supporters should make sure their signs are placed on private property.
Federal law requires that any sign intended to be read from the highway must be regulated by the state. In Montana, as in other states, controlling signs is the responsibility of the Department of Transportation. Failure to control signs brings the threat of federal sanctions and can disrupt highway improvement projects.
It is unsafe, and illegal to drive or park in a ditch along a highway to install a sign on private property. Within 30 days following the applicable election the signs should be removed.
The candidates’ cooperation in adhering to the regulations, and statutes will benefit the Department of Highways, and the taxpayers of Montana.
Contact information:
What guidance do the Administrative Rules of Montana offer on political signs? (see 18.6.246, ARM)
(1) Signs promoting political candidates or issues shall be placed on private property only and cannot be placed without the permission of the property owner. Political signs must comply with sign standards found in 75-15-113, MCA, and ARM 18.6.231, unless otherwise specified in this rule.
(2) Political signs must not:
(a) be placed on or allow any portion to intrude in the public right-of-way or on public property; and
(b) be placed within 100 feet of any entrance to the building in which a polling place is located.
(3) Political signs will not be considered in determining the spacing required between conforming off-premises outdoor advertising signs.
(4) Political signs must be removed within 14 days following the applicable election. The department shall notify the landowner of illegal signs which are not removed within 14 days. The signs shall be removed by the department 24 hours after notification to the landowner. The department shall retain removed political signs for five working days after notification of removal before their destruction. The sign owner may retrieve the signs during this period.
(5) Signs that pose a traffic hazard may be removed by the department without prior notification to the sign owner.
(6) Political signs do not require permits and are not subject to permit fees.
History: 75-15-121, MCA; IMP, 75-15-111, MCA; NEW, 1996 MAR p. 1855, Eff. 7/4/96; AMD, 2008 MAR p. 2476, Eff. 11/27/08; AMD, 2012 MAR p. 185, Eff. 1/27/12; AMD, 2016 MAR p. 1440, Eff. 8/20/16.