The beginning of the Golden Age; The days after
We watched President Trump be sworn in at a pretty divine appointed time. To make it more than ordinary, the inauguration fell on Martin Luther King Day, the 60th inauguration of our country. The weekly Torah reading for January 20, 2025, is the scripture of how the Lord was now going to fulfill His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He would give the Israelites the land of Canaan. I believe the prophetic application we can put on the day’s events is that God has spared America for a time. God will grant us our prayers as a blessing for our faithful dedication to following Him. This is not just a gift but now a divine calling for us all. We have another chance to govern ourselves and it is our time to step up and into places we have ceded to the democrats for far too long as we got too busy doing whatever it was we filled our time with. It is on us to accept this gift of a Republic if we can keep it; it requires constant attention and participation because it is fragile as our honorable former President Benjamin Franklin said. It is incumbent upon us to become as active and involved in the direction of our country as much as possible or we will be in constant peril of losing the ground we were given. We MUST get back to being the light of our communities by joining local committees instead of sports bars, battle out in the school boards instead of the comfort of anonymous keyboard and arm chair debates, by attending public hearings and public comment sessions, by supporting our neighbors and families instead of waiting for the government to pay some benefit program check and by commitment to ‘Never Again‘. We are called to LIVE the things we say we believe. Not to only complain about them. It is time we start becoming the person we say we are; it’s time to remake our own self. BE the change you wished to see because it takes us all to steer this massive ship with the ‘tiny spoons’ we were given which is our voice and our hands. If we don’t do the dirty work, if we don’t go home tired from the grunt work, if we don’t step into these roles I will guarantee you a democrat will.This is the Golden Age we asked for. President Trump has laid out the work he is going to be doing. What work have you laid out to help him accomplish all this? I have been all around this community and have listened to many complaints of what is wrong and how it should be fixed but what I have rarely heard is what they were willing to do to help. If a person with a 9th grade education and a job can step up and do a little, then I think people with higher educations and careers can definitely do something. The Lake County Republicans are always open to donations as well which is desperately needed to refill our reserves to keep fighting this battle for us and our children. We don’t get funded by big money, corporations or unions. We are tiny grassroots funded by few of us who donate and do all we can to lift this ship, and we are tired I can tell you that. The truth is the fight will never be over until the Lord comes to claim His Bride, so it is up to us to hold down this fort until that Blessed day.The snakes in the grass are waiting to bite. The scorpions are waiting to sting. The democrats have shown what they are wanting to do. There is no doubt that Obama’s fundamental transformation of America is exactly what was being accomplished under Biden.To get involved you can attend any one of our meetings and or send donations. We have many events where you can sign up for notifications of public hearings, upcoming legislation, to volunteer or any and all other things that will affect your way of life. You can contact the Lake County Republicans at… “By Tammi Baer* * *
Take Action
Your input, in whatever way you can contribute towards helping President Trump and restoring common sense in America, is CRUCIAL. Below is a link you can use to participate in creating new laws.
Participate – Montana Legislature
Things are already rolling in the legislature. Many laws discussed that will be affecting each and everyone of us directly, are already in the making. Keep your eyes open and bring your opinions to the table. After the fact, all we can do is complain, and that does NOT move the needle.
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Get Involved
Legislative Alert! Legislators Need Testimonies
Participate – Montana Legislature
Stay up to date on what is happening in the legislature. Bills and where they stand in the proceedings, hearings to weigh in on, can be seen at Bill Explorer.
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Silence is compliance; not to speak IS to speak
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Democrats in Control of Montana Senate!
Letter from Matthew Monforton. Please read, react and ACT. America First efforts are endangered!
Meet Democrat Pat Flowers, your new Senate President!
On Day 1 of the 2025 legislative session, Democrats accomplished what should have been impossible: they seized control of the Montana Senate. Despite Republicans holding a nominal 32-18 majority, Democrats now have a de facto 27-23 advantage—all because 9 so-called “Republicans” betrayed their voters, their party, and their principles.
Here’s what happened….
In the Montana Senate, the Committee on Committees is responsible for assigning members to key legislative committees. (This differs from the Montana House—where the Speaker assigns House members to committees). The Senate’s Committee on Committees is supposed to be controlled by the Republican majority. Not anymore. Yesterday, 9 RINOs crossed the aisle to help Democrats hijack vital committees, crippling the Republican majority before the session even began.
Here’s what the RINO collaboration accomplished:
• Democrat Susan Weber and fake “Republicans” Gregg Hunter and Denley Loge now sit on the Business, Labor & Economic Affairs Committee.
• “Republicans” Josh Kassmier, Russ Tempel, and Jason Ellsworth joined Democrats Pat Flowers and Emma Kerr-Carpenter on the Finance & Claims Committee.
• Flowers and Kerr-Carpenter also joined the Joint Appropriation Subcommittee for Health and Human Services—making it clear that Medicaid expansion is here to stay.
This is nothing short of a catastrophe for Montana conservatives. A majority party that can’t even control the rules of the chamber it dominates on paper is no majority at all. It’s becoming harder and harder to view the MTGOP as anything other than a complete fraud.
For Montana conservatives, the past may well be prologue. In 2015, House RINOs demanded 6 “silver bullets” from then-Speaker Austin Knudsen, ensuring that Democrats and Governor Steve Bullock got their way on the session’s six most critical bills. Knudsen folded, and the conservative agenda was torched on the first day. Now, it’s déjà vu in 2025. The Montana Legislature has fallen to a Democrat-RINO coalition that, along with Governor Gianforte, will sabotage conservative priorities, particularly judicial reform.
Montana conservatives deserve better. The question now is whether Senate President Matt Regier will capitulate like Knudsen did—or fight back. Regier must use every tool at his disposal to expose and confront this hostile takeover. Anything less will doom Montana’s conservative agenda.
Montanans, this is your call to action. These 9 “Republicans” must be held accountable. Contact them and demand they reverse their betrayal before it’s too late. Make no mistake: the fight for Montana’s future is happening now. Will conservatives rise to the challenge, or will they stand by and watch their agenda be destroyed by the very people who claimed to represent them?
Who are these 9 “Republicans”? Glad you asked. Contact them and let them know what you think of them handing the Senate to Democrats and making Pat Flowers the de facto Senate President:
Jason Ellsworth – 406-360-0009
Butch Gillespie – 406-949-4453
Gregg Hunter – 406-219-7590
Josh Kassmier – 406-781-5386
Gayle Lammers – – 406-679-0020
Denley Loge – – 406-544-5220
Wendy McKamey – – 406-868-5006
Russ Tempel – – 406-265-0990
Shelley Vance – – 406-587-8608″
Lark Chadwick’s newsletter on Substack:
Lark’s Newsletter,
You can also follow Bill Lussenheide Sr for updates on Facebook. Bill is the Ravalli County Republican Committeeman for District 24.
January 13, 2025 (date posted on website)
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Participate in the Legislative Process
Our legislators in Helena need constituents to weigh in on issues that have an effect on all of us. You can check out the bills that are in the works and contact whoever “owns” the bill to help analyze whether the bill is GOOD for you or BAD you!
I’m writing to share an important update regarding HB 121 commonly referred to as the Women’s Privacy Bill. This legislation requires individuals to use intimate spaces within public facilities (shelters, public schools, correctional facilities, etc) based on their biological sex rather than gender identity. You can find the bill language and other information here (Bill Explorer). This bill is a critical step in reinforcing privacy and safety in public facilities. Representative Seekins-Crowe is carrying the bill and has been a steadfast advocate for this policy.
The bill will drop on Friday of this week (1.10.25). At that time, public participation for this bill will begin. If you wish to testify remotely, submit exhibits, or attend in-person you can visit here, Legislative Public Participation.
It is critical we get the word out on this bill to ensure it has the best chance of success. Please feel free to share, participate in the process, and contact your local legislators.
Lastly, I just want to highlight a few other major bills coming soon. On Wednesday, January 15th there will be four bills pertaining to judicial reform coming out. I will circle back with more information on those then. There is also public-school charter bill to be aware of HB 28 (Bill Explorer). “
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The “Little Red Hen” Could Use Your Help
If you have an opinion, you have something to offer!
Tammi Baer