“We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.” – Ronald Reagan
The quote from Ronald Reagan is an excerpt from a letter that should be read by every American citizen with a patriotic bone in their body. A Canary in a Coal Mine-GOP Letter Side 1 rev 1.0 – Letter from the Missoula County Republican Central Committee and the Gallatin County Republican Women.
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What Happened With Early Votes in 2020?
What the full forensic audit revealed. Pressed for time? Start at minute mark 39:50.
Let’s Talk About Our Country! Will America Survive? (rumble.com)
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Blurred Boundaries
What is actually right? Is “motor voter” a good system for safe and secure elections? Renewing your driver license with Montana MVD, you are asked whether you’d like to register to vote. Check a box for whether you are a citizen or not. Honor system? A migrant was seen picking up a fistful of voter registrations at an MVD office. Can all the registrations be reliably verified for nationality before the elections? Maybe this system should be ended? How? A TRO describing the damages you suffer as a voter when people whose citizenship has not been sufficiently verified are allowed to register to vote/ballots are sent out without sufficient verification? How do we know that only verified citizens are on the voter rolls?
CISA has sounded the alarm that a cyberattack may happen on election day. Did the federal government listen to concerns expressed by We the People after the 2020 elections? The head of CISA at the time claimed that the elections were the safest ever. Is that what has been evidenced? Or was evidence of maladministration suppressed? So, what may be the reason for the alarm? Is the federal government now concerned that our voices may not be heard? It just seems interesting that this alarm pushes people into early voting, maybe signing up for mail ballots, which are the main problem pointed at by election integrity teams. Discernment is truly needed at every turn… Either way, we are lucky to be relying on paper ballots at Lake County polling locations! A cyberattack can’t change what is on paper.
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Do what you can to help make elections TOO BIG TO RIG. When some are flooding the voting “market” with votes in numbers that are hard to verify, you can, for example, offer a ride to people that may have troubles making it to the elections office or their polling station. We MUST counter any attempts to disenfranchise legitimate voters. Our local thinker points to new questionable processes: “Newest […] ploy to overcome legal voting: harvest the Americans’ overseas ballots. Trying to ‘count’ 9 million mail-ins, while the state department only knows of 2.8 million Expats… Given 0 IDs, 0 signatures, all ‘mailed in’ by Email. It resurrects much of the 2020 tactics to flood the zone.” – Voicing concerns, rightfully so, without needing to be called a conspiracy theorist, considering evidence that has been brought to light over the years. In addition, the 1st Amendment is still in place, which gives citizens the right to voice concerns!
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Reasons why ballot initiative CI-128 should have been rejected:
Abortion is already legal in Montana. This initiative makes unfettered abortions constitutional. Hopefully, those who worked hard to open the eyes of the voters on this messy initiative will find a way to still keep it from having its downstream effects…
- backed by Planned Parenthood and liberal groups;
- represented legally by former Democratic Governor’s chief legal counsel — who is also running to be Montanans’ Lt Governor;
- hired out-of-state signature gatherers;
- opponents say the language is “vague and could have serious downstream effects”.
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The Threat of Ranked Choice Voting Averted – for NOW
On her Facebook account (FOLLOW her!), Jennifer Fielder, our candidate re-elected to the Public Service Commission shared a very good analogy of how Ranked Choice Voting might work in your case:
Montana CI-126/127. Here’s a simple illustration to explain why I will be voting NO.
A group of 100 people vote on dessert. The choices are:
- Brownies
- Apple Pie
- Brussel sprouts
- Peas
The votes come in:
49 people vote for Brownies, 24 in favor of Apple Pie,
17 in favor of Brussel Sprouts, and
10 for Peas.
Peas are out, but all 10 of those voters chose Brussel Sprouts as their 2nd choice, so the next tally is 49 for Brownies, 27 for Brussel Sprouts, and 24 for Apple Pie. Now Apple Pie is out, but as luck would have it all of the Apple Pie voters had Peas as their 2nd choice, but since Peas was already eliminated it went to their 3rd place vote which was, you guessed it, Brussel Sprouts.
Our final tally:
Brussel Sprouts 51
Brownies 49.
The 49 Brownies lovers hate Brussel Sprouts and chose them as their 4th place pick, but they like Apple Pie and chose it as their 2nd place pick. The 17 people who chose Brussel sprouts as their 1st place vote all had Brownies as their 2nd choice, but since Brussel Sprouts was never eliminated those 2nd place votes were never tallied.
So Brownies, with 49 1st place votes, 17 2nd place votes and only 24 4th place votes, loses to Brussel Sprouts that won 17 1st place votes, 10 2nd place votes, 24 3rd place votes and 49 4th place votes. But Apple Pie also had 73 1st and 2nd choice votes. The only people really happy in this scenario are the 17 people that really really like Brussel Sprouts, and maybe 10 more that think they’re “ok”.
Does a system that allows for this possibility sound like a good system? Brownies won 66 1st and 2nd place votes while Brussel sprouts only got 27 1st and 2nd place votes. And poor Apple Pie received 73 1st and 2nd place votes and eliminated in the 2nd round!
RCV fails to consider 2nd choice preferences for the last eliminated and the winner, giving more weight to fewer 2nd or 3rd choices.
This is why people say that ranked choice voting is unfair
It counts SOME people’s 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place votes while not counting others. Furthermore, in the final tally, one person’s begrudging 3rd or 4th place vote CARRIES JUST AS MUCH WEIGHT as another person’s 1st place preference.
Brussel sprouts for dessert?? Umm… No thank you! Let the best candidate win!
In other words:
Montanans do not want open primaries where those who are not even registered Republicans may vote for the most left leaning Republican candidate to possibly stop the most conservative from winning. We want the candidate who receives the greatest number of votes to be the winner!
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Are Alternate Electors False?
Google is clearly pushing to paint a certain picture. Interestingly, a very liberal pundit once described the electoral system in the following way: