Buyer Beware
Thoughts shared by a fellow Lake County resident:
How much of environmental actions have been actual land grabs for the elite? When they want to take something for their own gain it seems that there is a granted allowance for them to break the so-called designated protections. The Joshua tree in the Mohave Desert has been on the protected list due to its endangered ecological importance, its cultural importance and due to ‘climate change’ its growth range is shrinking. But if you want to put up solar panels you can destroy the climate to save the climate. The Joshua tree was put on a state protection list, but it must not have been that important because a solar project was allowed to cut down 4700 of them. It seems like the concern for health of the environment is selective.
Solar panels go bad about every 20 years and very little can be recycled. They are toxic to the environment and if you remember sunbathing using mirrors to reflect the sun’s rays you can imagine how much these panels are doing to our atmosphere. It takes away valuable animal habitat as well and this area in the desert is home to endangered species such as Mohave ground squirrel, the Mojave desert tortoise, Mojave River vole, San Bernardino kangaroo rat, and Southern rubber boa.
One person cut 36 trees on their own land for their home and was fined 18,000. People made a huge issue about how important the trees were to ‘the natural part of the community’ so much so they turned in their own neighbors. It garnered a 36 count of misdemeanors complaint.
Now if they truly were concerned enough to protect this very small range for this tree’s survival then why did California allow a solar panel project to be built on 2300 acres? It looks as if environmentalism is a con game for the highest bidder in this case. The main concern listed for the designation of protection was the lack of the trees’ natural habitat. The area it grows in is shrinking ‘due’ to climate change so why would they intentionally destroy 2300 acres of this rare environment for solar panels?
As with everything else these radicals push, it’s a matter of their convenience or money. These agendas have been pushed for so called greater good for the future as they do back door deals to the rich and elite special projects. When will the people understand how they are being manipulated to lay foundations for this dirty work to take place? As Hillary Clinton called people useless eaters, we see exactly what they think of the general population. Obama said we should encourage grandma to take the pill and move over for the younger generations. The real lack of value of a person’s life is evident. Communism is a death cult; people are only worth something if you can generate wealth to the global rich agendas. I don’t want to just mention democrats as the problem in global one world orders, because Bush 1 and 2 are also NWO supporters. These are not the only ones and even religious are a problem as Pope Francis has his eye on the controls button as well. He was known as the black Pope, in Argentina he was the dirty Pope who turned in his own to the government. (Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-21794798) One case in the Guardian accuses the now Pope Francis, former name Bergoglio, of handing over some of his priests to the military during the Argentine dirty war. There are accusations of stolen babies who were taken and given to the military regime and mothers killed. It seems that these globalists have no respect or value to human suffering when it comes to holding to true biblical value. It seems a person’s value is only how much we can provide money and power to those in authority. If it doesn’t enrich them then we are useless eaters and dog faced pony soldiers. What difference at this point does it make, right?
People have been used and duped for power and once their usefulness is gone these perpetrators are off on the new marginalized group they can exploit for control and power. It’s a game to them but these are real human lives being destroyed.
The proposed Google data center to be built near the dam is another lie we are being sold. The water use is incredible and it heats up the water and the downstream ecosystem will be destroyed and changed forever if the project is approved. Google sells their projects as environmentally sound but if you contact the local areas they have already been installed in, you will find they were lied to, and many facts were hidden and continue to be hidden about the damage and loss to the local people and environments. It cost people their livelihoods and it caused the waters to warm up. I thought warm waters was a climate change problem.
People are not educated in reality. They have been indoctrinated and conditioned to accept these things. My friends who work in the medical field said the same thing about being made to take the mRNA experimental shot. They were conditioned to do it because they were made to comply with all other shots as a condition for work and licensure. If we don’t wake up the next step for control is AI and even Trump is on board to support it. He doesn’t understand what is really going to happen. What God meant for good, man will turn for evil. It has always been that way. Elon’s brain chip project is another step. While they may be innocent in their venture, what happens when the gate keeper dies?
Real ID and AI are ushering in the Biblical mark of the beast. With technology controlling our lives from applying for jobs to medical records and banking. We have let this Golden calf be built as we toss in our gold. In Montana the Real ID rollout is set for this summer 2025. If we don’t comply then traveling by plane or entering federal buildings will become difficult – and the democrats balked about voter ID, what a joke. Imagine being subpoenaed or have business at a federal building like a post office or court house. AI is taking our freedoms, and we have let it happen. There are 10 new data centers being built and President Trump is helping usher it in. Elon, Bezos and Zuckerberg are going to build what is called stargate which is AI control of the population and if we don’t comply, we will not be able to buy and sell. There are already plans to build this and the digital dollar as a convenient way to do business or medical progress. Everything evil is sold as a good thing for the good of society, remember the covid shot? President Trump is a businessman and not a scholar of biblical prophecies. He has not been a man of faith long enough to understand what the end times prophecies are and how they affect followers of the Bible.
Every choice we make is used to direct us in one way or another. The covid shot is the most recent well-known example. Those who questioned and did not comply were arrested, denied life-saving medical treatment, were told they could not enter businesses or visit their elderly relatives in facilities even to have jobs. Each person who refused saw a consequence. Yet those who complied were allowed to have freedom of travel and entrance into areas that were off limits to the non-compliant. That was just the beginning of what is to come. Unless AI and the definitions of it and its allowed usage is addressed under President Trump, in a few years it will control every aspect of life. I do not believe Trump is a willing plotter of its end use, he is about progress and business. He is unwittingly bringing into the fold the ones behind the real agenda and will get the blame when it becomes reality.
We need to reach out to our Congressmen and Congresswomen and bring to their attention the seriousness of this issue towards believers of God. The longer we put this off, the harder it will be to fight. We have to be ahead of the issues acting instead of being behind them and reacting. If you are concerned about this issue, I would ask that you write out a draft letter and call your Congress Representative. Let them know how it will affect you and your faith. The people have to speak up and be active in steering our country and now is not the time to be lazy about it.
Unless we get a lot done in the next four years and make permanent legal binding changes, we will see how evil those on the left really are. The transgender bathroom issue can be the model for how twisting meanings of words and naming policies that do the opposite of their title is a powerful manipulative tool. Allowing emotion-based laws to be enacted to censor anyone is wrong, but the AI and Real ID issue is way worse. Your bank accounts will be shut down for climate infractions or for creating too much CO2 or buying the wrong things. Even tithing and donating to unapproved entities like a church will become much harder, if you can at all. This slow squeeze is being done by people close to Trump. Those who proved all through covid exactly what they intended to do to conservatives. Now Trump has brought them in? There was a cowboy coming back from the range when he saw a snake in the fire. He felt bad so he pulled the snake out and fed it and took care of it till it was better. Then one day the cowboy went to pet the snake, and it bit him. He was shocked and asked the snake why it bit him after all he had done for him. The snake said, you knew I was a snake. A snake is a snake. This tech mogul group is dangerous to the freedom and well-being of us who live by the biblical prophecies laid out in the Bible. We were warned a long time ago and today I am warning you again.
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The Climate Change Mantra
Click below for interesting article and video.
Climate Scientist Says World Won’t End
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Leaving California: The Untold Story | A Must-See Documentary
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What is the GREAT RESET??
The Great Reset | Explained In Their Own Words (Gates, Musk, Harari, Schwab & Grimes)
Entire Great Reset / 4th Industrial Agenda Explained In 10 Minutes or Less
Hillsdale College Video Series