What are Pachyderm Clubs?
We are a Republican group patterned after civic clubs with programs centered around government and politics
- Pachyderm club memberships are open to all Republicans
- Pachyderm club meetings are open to the public
- Pachyderm clubs are controlled locally, yet operate within an established standard framework
We offer a meaningful movement of political clubs as the most practical means by which a broad citizen participation may be achieved.
“We get the government we deserve, not the one we wish for”
To Join Our Email Listserv please email here.
Our Pachyderm club hopes to increase citizen participation in politics in Lake County.
Our officers for the upcoming year 2023 are:
- Micah Robertson – President
- Linda Sauer – Vice President
- Julie Reffner – Secretary
- Marcia Amrine – Treasurer
Board of Directors besides the officers are:
- Ted Becker
- Nancy Becker
- Frank and Michal Delgado when available
- Kathy Recny
- Agnes Rinehart
March 2023: If anyone else would like to volunteer to be on the Board of Directors – we welcome more volunteers! We will be meeting at the Fire Hall on Regatta Road in Polson one hour before the first Pachyderm guest presentation each month (second Friday of the month).
2025 Pachyderm Meeting Schedule (3)
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- First – I have attached the meeting schedule for 2025 for everyone so they are able to plan. We all need to start to get speakers to cover all of the dates. If you do secure a speaker, please let me know asap so I am able to update the schedule and get the necessary info to send out the meeting invitations
- Ted and Nancy Becker will be taking a leave from the BOD team due to Ted’s health. Please keep them in your prayers
- Marcia provided a 2024 recap for the treasurer’s report. We started the year. with $2661.19 and ended 2024 with $2371.15. The major expense for the year was the sound system. LCRW paid their share in 2025 of approximately $400.
- The group asked what the national Pachyderm group does with the funds we send for each member. No one knew so Marcia will follow up with a letter to get the details
- No one was able to attend the Zoom meeting on Thursday due to conflicts. Julie will ask Suzanne if the meeting was recorded so it can be viewed by those not in attendance
- Marcia will send Julie an electronic copy of the 2024 financial statement to be included in the meeting minutes. Julie is behind on meeting minutes as we have not received the 3rd presentation yet from Dr. Anne nor have we received Gale Decker’s presentation.
- The BOD agreed that dues will stay as is for now for our group as our expenses are limited
- Discussion about continuing to hold the first meeting of the month on Tuesday night at Bunkers was held. We are not getting that many more attendees at the Tuesday meetings and it costs us $50 for each time we use Bunkers which is fine if the attendance has increased. The group agreed to have a quick discussion at the meeting at noon to get the group’s thoughts. The feeling was that we will go back to having the meetings on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at the Fire station but will see what the attendees say. Julie will let Bunkers know once the final decision is made.
- We will go back to having the BOD meetings on the first Friday of each month (BOD meetings are included in the schedule which is attached)
- Steve will contact the Lake County Waste Management manager to speak at the first meeting in February
- We need to get in touch with Linda and Tracy and find out when they have a break – see if they would be interested in speaking to the group.
- Suggestion to get the Polson Police Chief, Sheriff bell and the Tribal Police Chief to speak – no one volunteered to contact them]Julie will contact Carolyn Hall to speak
- Marcia will contact Joh Mercer
- Suggestion to get Sussie Hedalen later in the year after she has settled in her new role
- Suggestion to get the Fire Dept/OES Director to speak
- Micah will get in touch with the Polson Police Chief to speak
- Nexxt BOD meeting will be Friday, February 14. Please come prepared to discuss future speakers!
Pachyderm guest speaker Dr Annie Bukacek gave another mind-blowing presentation.
Public Service Commissioner Dr Annie Bukacek gave a two-part presentation about “Follow the Money – the New Green Deal.”
– Information on actions that affect us all. Energy policies determine not just our quality of life, but who will live! The Green New Deal has been debunked as a viable policy, but yet it is being pursued. Why? Who benefits? Did they not know this policy would fail? They must have, which means it must have been designed to fail from the start. (See Oct 25, 2024, minutes)
At the January 14, 2025, meeting, County Commissioner Gale Decker gave a very enlightening presentation on Lake County, the history leading up to the issues we are facing today. See the link included in the minutes. Very interesting Q&A at the end as well. For example, the possible need to dissolve Lake County as we have gone broke – in the absence of payments that were supposed to be there!
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Meeting Minutes – January 24, 2025
Micah opened the meeting with the invocation at 12 noon.
- We are encouraging as many people as possible to write letters of recommendation for John Mercer for the District Judge vacancy. Please submit the letters to nominatejudges@mt.gov.
- Based on the Tuesday evening meeting attendance, a decision has been made to go back to holding all of the Pachyderm meetings on Friday at 12 noon on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month – no more Tuesday evenings. Although we received feedback that an evening meeting would work better, the attendance did not support this. In fact we lost attendees due to the fact that many people do not drive at night! We will resume our Friday schedule beginning Friday, February 14th.
- History of Pachyderm – Pachyderms began in Missouri in 1968 so Pachyderm is 56 years old! President Reagan pushed Pachyderms and it is now a Nationwide organization.
- The group requested to have a speaker provide a simple recap of what is going on with the water compact. There is a zoom meeting scheduled for January 30th and a public forum meeting on February 1 in Plains. We have been able to get Pascal Refern to come and speak at the February 14th meeting. Pascal is a paralegal who has been instrumental in the water compact court proceedings. The announcement for this meeting will be sent out later
- Financials: Marcia provided a documented review of the 2024 Lake County Pachyderm Financials – see attachment. Thank you Marcia for providing the detailed analysis of the 2024 funds!
- Reminder that the 2025 Pachyderm dues are now due and payable – $40 per person!
- Suggestion to get Larry Ashcraft to come speak about the city “audit” being done.
Micah opened the meeting with the Invocation
Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2024
Meeting Minutes – October 11, 2024
Pachyderm Meeting 10-11-2024 4
Meeting Minutes – September 27, 2024
Meeting Minutes – September 13, 2024
Prayer request – Ted Becker will be undergoing heart surgery – please keep Ted and Nancy in your prayers
Meeting Minutes – August 23, 2024
Meeting Minutes – July 26, 2024
Meeting Minutes – July 12, 2024

Meeting Minutes – June 28, 2024
Micah opened the meeting with an invocation

Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2024
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Meeting Minutes – May 10, 2024
Meeting Minutes – April 12, 2024

Meeting Minutes – March 22, 2024
Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2024
Meeting Minutes – Feb 23, 2024
Micah opened the meeting with the invocation.
The group said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Please sign the two petitions on the table if you have not already signed them. Thank you everyone for signing them!
Next meeting will be March 8 and the Lake County Elections Administrator, Toni Kramer, will be the guest speaker.
Poll Watchers are needed for both the June 4th and November 5th elections. If interested in helping, please contact Julie Reffner at jmreffner@outlook.com. We can schedule shifts in 2-hour increments or more depending on individual availability.
Mark your calendars for the following dates:
- Monday, April 1 LCRW will be sponsoring Gubernatorial candidate Tanner Smith from 11:30-1 at the Polson Boys & Girls Club
- Sunday, April 7 from 4-6, LCRW is sponsoring the Election Kick Off Event which will be from 4-6pm at the Ronan Community Center – more details to follow.
Guest Speaker – Vice President of Pachyderm and co-author of the Last Chance Patriots Newsletter – Linda Sauer.
It is highly recommended to sign up for the Last Chance Patriots newsletter if you have not already done so!
The presentation is titled “Islam- Growing in Power and Momentum In the US. Both the presentation and speaker notes are attached below.
Islam means submission
Jihad means struggle or effort – wage war against non-Muslims.
In 1991 there was a book written titled Explanatory Memorandum which is available on Amazon for $5: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0982294719?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_7R00P3Y76MZEN64QPNRS&language=en-US
Civilization Jihad process – destroy western civilization from within
Many people today are in denial – we ALL need to pay attention!
In 2022 the Unites States had the highest level of Muslims elected to office! There were 82 elected officials in office in 25 states!
We the people are standing in the way of Islam and Jihad.
If you are interested in more information – it is highly recommended to subscribe to Hillsdale college newsletter – Imprints!
There is a book titled “Stealth Invasion written by Leo Hohmann which is highly recommended.
Please share all of this info with friends/relatives/neighbors across the country and get the word out!
It is also recommended to look up the TIL Project, which is led by Sharam Hadian, who is a converted Christian.
We need to challenge our church leaders to speak about Islam.
There is a new word – Chrislam – Muslims infiltrating our churches!
Christopher Holton who works at the center for security policy states that we must be vigilant – don’t bury your head in the sand!
The meeting closed with Lake County Commissioner candidate Wes Baersch. Wes is a small business owner from District 3. His wife owns the Subway in Ronan – wants to help the community and the valley. He has lived with the politics and wants everyone to get out to vote. He will stand behind conservative Christian values.
Meeting Minutes – Feb 9, 2024
Micah opened the meeting with the invocation
Meeting Minutes – Jan 26, 2024
The time is now.
Meeting Minutes – Dec 8, 2023
Micah opened the meeting with a prayer at 12 noon
Meeting Minutes – Nov 10, 2023
Micah opened the meeting with the invocationThe group said the Pledge of AllegianceAnnouncements:2024 Pachyderm annual dues are now dueTracy spoke about the movie night on the 10th showing the movie Police State at the Polson Rural Fire Station. Movie will begin at 6:30 – there will be food for dinner/snacksTracy announced that Lake County lost PL280 lawsuit – the County Commissioners are discussing with the attorneys what next steps to take. We need to support the commissioners as they work through the next steps.Next meeting will be December 8 – Carolyn Hall, Lake County Superintendent of Schools will be the speaker. This will be the last Pachyderm meeting for 2023. Our first meeting in 2024 will be on January 12 and will will have the Polson Police Chief, Sheriff Don Bell and hopefully the Tribal Police Chief as speakers.Guest speaker for the meeting was Gubernatorial candidate Tanner SmithTanner was born and raised in Stevensville. He played football in high school as well as the bass clarinet. Tanner graduated from high school in 1993 – he was born in 1975.Tanner is a Ronald Reagan conservative. He did not plan on being in politics but when the government decided to mask the children he changed his mind and got involved.Tanner is an excavation contractor and snowplow business owner. He is a member of the Lakeside School Board. As a school board member they successfully removed teachers with rainbow flags in their classrooms and successfully removed furries. There is a conservative shift on the school board.Tanner ran for the Montana House District 12 seat and is now a State Legislator who is running on the defense.Tanner worked to remove dispensaries and homelessness. Montana has 4 times the dispensaries as Colorado and we know what is happening to Colorado. The dispensaries are what prompted Tanner to run for governor.The homeless issues stem from our governor – bad policies.Our state is unsafe now – homelessness and illegals. People are getting hurt. If you do not live here – then leave. Tanner says Montana is our home and we need to maintain it and keep it like it is your house.We have high crime and drug issues.The mother of Tanner’s first three children died from alcohol abuse – his wife died at the age of 45.Montana needs to get serious about punishment for crimes – double down on conservatismWe are in line with California, Oregon and WashingtonNo Means NO!We have property tax issues – we live in the Treasure State and we will use our natural resources to support our state. WEmake revenue from logging and mining – we must use our resources.Cleaning/thinning the forest helps maintain a healthy forest and supports our wildlifeWe need to break the backs of liberals – continue fighting the fightGianforte is suing counties over the mills for cutting the taxes in their countiesThe Water Compact is a concern – we need to say no to tribal governments! They need to get over their victimhood. We all need to get on the same page to be successfulUnder Tanner’s watch, no one will be flying a drone over us – the balloon would not have happened.Tanner does not ask attorneys for permission. The attorneys can deal with the aftermath.Montana is the #1 state for out of state license plates. People purchase RV’s and come here to get them licensed due to the limited regulations and inexpensive licensing fees. Before any out of state vehicle is able to be registered here, the owner must create an LLC to license the vehicle. There were 31,000 LLC’s set up as a result and 31,000 single jobs specifically tied to the licensing/LLC process.The dispensaries have also created a lot of jobs in the drug industry in Montana.There is a dual justice system in Montana! Gianforte will not stand up for us. Zoe Zephyr received $80 in fines for breaking the legislature rules and raised $37,000 within hours to cover her legal fees. All cases involving the Zoe incident were dismissed. We must prosecute the little stuff to stop the big stuff.Tanner supports Rosendale and TrumpCourageousness is contagious – he has the message!Montana is decayingThe Convention of States could address the issues we are seeing. He attended the meeting in Kalispell – supports the Convention of States.Currently Montana is a Shit show!We are dealing with good vs evil.Tribal housing is a great example of what government housing looks likeThe Reservation system needs to be disbanded – we are all Americans and we need to be of service to others!We need to get back to our American Values.Teachers unions are running the stateTanner has more experience than Gianforte.We must continue what we have been doing to fight the compact. We have had draughts historically and never experienced the low lake levels we saw this year – we need to sue!We need to be lucky to be alive and be Americans!Tanner does not feel we should be trying to be on the world stage – need to find a balance without becoming another Silicon Valley! Tanner voted no on the data centerWe should not be using existing water/energy grids for technology – this changes the dynamic of Montana!Tanner wants to be sane and live in a safe place.Tanner would sign a bill that would stop lawyers from buying their way into the systemLawyers are needed to write the LLC’s sp lawyers are getting rich off of the LLC’s.Tanner does not listen to the EPA.He will double down on conservative principlesEverything can be fixed but we need true conservatives. The Governor needs to represent the peopleAustin Knudsen is upset with Tanner Smith because he is running for Governor.Most politicians have been in politics too long and have become part of the swampHe says he would be governor with love, humility, compassion but firm.We must support law enforcement – let them do their jobTanner is independant – does not need the government.Tanner is 100% in love with Montana and will fight for us – take the high road while telling the truth.He will start his grassroots movement in January – is a straight shooter.Tanner believes he has been called to run for governor for his kidsHe is not afraid of any skeletons in his closet!Tanner calls into the Aaron Flint show every couple of weeks.People do not fall in love with the person – they fall in love with their politics