Continued Support for Ukraine – But Not on Taxpayer Dime
1. Let Ukraine use frozen Russian assets to buy U.S. weapons.
2. Loans guaranteed by Ukraine’s natural resources.
Read more about President Trump’s proposals in the article below:
Opinion | The U.S. can arm Ukraine without making taxpayers foot the bill – The Washington Post
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The Babylon Bee; a Humorous Perspective on Sad Affairs
Nominee For Top Criminal Justice Position Interviewed By Nation’s Top Criminals | Babylon Bee
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The Difference the 1st Amendment Makes
Great analysis by Dr. David Starkey of why we are not in quite as bad of a dilemma as Britain is.
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The Top 10 Hoaxes The Propaganda Press Peddled in 2024
Article on December 30, 2024, by Shawn Fleetwood with The Federalist HERE.
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A Lot of Work Required to Push President Trump’s Agenda Through
Click the image to read the article. For more, listen to the interview below.
General Flynn speaks on the Alex Jones show
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Information You Have Been Denied
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Who Really Are the MAGA People?
Nicole Shanahan’s video:
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Are Alternate Electors False?
Google searches give oodles of responses to paint a certain picture. Here is a description given by Van Jones.
Electoral Process as Described by Van Jones (!)
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Tim Sheehy on Mark Levin Show
Tim Sheehy Shines in National Interview with Radio’s Mark Levin (
Tim can #RetireTester ! With the help of the voters, of course. Be sure to talk to family and friends and bring them with you to the polls. We MUST make the November elections Too Big to Rig!
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RFK Exposes the CIA – Terrifying!
Video posted by Stephen Gardner on YouTube.
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Last Chance Patriot
Educating and Inspiring Montanans to Rise in Defense of our Security, our Liberty, and our Values.
Sign up for the emailed Newsletter! – Look for the “Sign up for our emails” button when you click the link to the newsletter.
December Newsletter HERE!
November Newsletter HERE!
October Election Edition HERE!
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How to Win Back America
Interview with General Michael Flynn January 3, 2024, with Special Insert Presentation by Alex Jones
The Greatest Country
What does the slogan ‘build back better” mean?
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Do you agree with the names attached to conservative patriots these days?
“Racist”, “bigot”, “white supremacist”, “domestic terrorist”?
Most likely not. Help to
Take Control of the Narrative!
Words matter. Sharing facts is part of 5th Generation Warfare. Tides can be turned by peaceful means, despite the ‘weapons of mass deletion’ in play.
Has ‘democracy’ been redefined from being the will of the voters to being about the sanctity of democratic institutions?
Hear what Mike Benz has to say in Tucker Carlson’s Ep. 75.
More about Defending Digital Liberties on the website Foundation For Freedom Online.
Find your favorites to watch and listen to on different social media platforms. Below are just a few examples.
– Former Twitter is where you find immediate updates and reactions to current issues. You can engage too. Make your voice heard!
Listen to Tucker Carlson interviewing a biologist below (Ep. 60). The last 10 minutes or so are truly something to think about. Our man in the Hinterland is on it… “No man in the history of nations has survived when the policy of destruction is from within, Pure Societal Suicide.” …
“We have twice the population as when I was born, yet 5x the government size. Knowing it didn’t start from zero…
BTW: 25% of the new Bidenomic jobs are gov’t… Knowing gov’t produces no new “jobs” and only a further burden on the private sector… and… The open border policies are replacing 1/4 of Montana every month.
Let’s talk about the budget:
As predicted, we’ve added another Trillion to our national debt since Football season began. Topping 34T… Next Trillion is slated before March.
What is a Trillion? Officially 1,000 Billion (which is already 1,000 Million). Written as 1,000,000,000,000. If pallets were stacked at 100 million each, we’d need 10,000 pallets. A stack of 100-dollar bills would be 641 miles high…”
Follow Lake County Montana Republicans on X. Search @LCMTPatriots!
See General Mike Flynn’s post 11/16/23 post here. – Our nation at serious risk of collapse. @GenFlynn; 11/25/23: We are in WWIII
Victor Davis Hanson, Senior Fellow @HooverInst is on X, @VDHanson. See 11/16/23 post here. – Why are pundits furiously writing about the specter of “Trump revenge”? Watch this video also.
Are you interested in fundamental law, the way it was intended by the Founding Fathers? Follow @RealDaveCares4u. Many cases have been won in court rooms using basic law as taught by Dave Jose Jr. (mask mandates, CPS, etc.)
Speaker Mike Johnson, @SpeakerJohnson, on Nov 17: “I am … making all the January 6th tapes available…”
Don’t forget: Tucker Carlson was ousted from Fox News, but you can still watch him on X! @TuckerCarlson Ep71. Bret Weinstein describes what he saw when visiting Darien Gap. Why is there a camp specifically for single, military-aged men who are headed for the United States? (Feb 1, 2024)
Lara Logan has another great documentary out. Watch it on X, @Truth_InMedia. What are they still hiding about January 6th?
Truth bomb found on X: 4 minute listen by clicking Colonel Douglas MacGregor

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@realDonaldTrump on election anomalies on January 2: Truth Details | Truth Social
@truethevote Catherine Engelbrecht reports Jan 2 on landmark court ruling – great win for all of America! Truth Details | Truth Social
LCRCC on Truth: @America1stPatriotRepublicans
Facebook provides a platform where you can find conversations to engage in. Many conservatives have formed groups there to help promote our cause. Find us there: Lake County MT America First Patriot Republicans and Lake County Republican Women. You can also follow candidates running for office and have your say in the discourse!
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– Many conservatives to follow.
If you choose to become a paying subscriber to your favorite on, you can comment and interact through chat. However, joining to listen is free.
@PatrickByrne – Patrick is working incessantly on his own dime to expose activities that undermine our constitutional republic. By following him you learn about software used to subvert our choices of candidates; or who some actors actually are – such as, Mr. Smith, appointed unconstitutionally.
As the infamous date of January 6 is getting close:
Shared post – Fighting for J6 Through Jake Lang, Sarah Mcabee, Bill Shipley ( – Patrick Byrne is personally donating $555,000 to the legal fund of J6 prisoners. But they need support from all of us! Prayers, in the least…
@JovanHPulitzer – The truth about our elections, the attacks on the fabric of our nation, etc.
@MichaelYon – Reporting on invasion: Yesterday (Nov 1), 6,000 migrants passed through Darien Gap, Panama. Michael Yon expects a rise to 10,000 per day sometime early 2024.
@GenFlynn – 3 days ago: “WWIII has arrived”; Discusses various challenges the world is currently facing in video 2 days ago. (Nov 3, 2023) On Nov 30, General Flynn posted a 7 minute video titled “Is the United States Headed towards Economic Collapse”. Worth listening to, since it explains in a very simple way the implications of the United Arab Emirates no longer using the American dollar in oil transactions with China (as of 11/27/23).
@DBongino – Nov. 3, 2023: “The Biden crime family has ANOTHER mess to deal with.” Subject of today’s show on Rumble.
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- @real_DonaldJTrump
- @DavidJHarrisJR
- @TrumpChannel
- @EpochTimes
- @PatrickMByrne
- @CharlieKirk
- @AmericanSpectator
- @Fightingthecommies
- @TruckersforfreedomUSA
- @RealGenFlynn
- @Insiderpaper
- @AnnVandersteelTruth
- @michaelyon
- @TrumpRepublicans
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You can most likely find your favorites on Instagram as well. If you don’t already have an account, consider creating one!
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Dennis Michael Lynch Episode 17 on Rumble.
(January 22, 2024)
- Dennis Michael Lynch News
- Protect your future and family –
- Save Flathead Lake
- America’s Future
- The Conservative Treehouse
- Brownstone (website)
- Victor Davis Hanson
- Joe Rogan (website)
- Russell Brand
- Carson: American Cornerstone
- Fire Axe Academy – Election Integrity Expertise
- Uncover DC
- Free Bill of Rights Card
- Montana Jural Assembly
- What is the importance of the Magna Carta?
- Wayne Root
- Cause of America
- Naomi Wolf ‘Daily Clout’ (website)
- T.O.R.E. The Organization Regarding Everything!
- Moms For FREEDOM (website)
- Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom (Netflix)
- Human Events Daily ~ Jack Prosobiec
- The New American
- Flyover Conservatives
- Daily Clout
- Stop World Control
Excerpt from Americas Future:
“Our ruling class corruption is killing us. To enrich themselves, they’re dividing us. To distract us from their power grabs, they’re driving us at each other. And their instrument to destroy America is racial enmity.” – Read more about the DEI deception (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) on the website!
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Warning about fake news/propaganda in Montana
A new outlet discussed in the Montana Sentinel February 20, 2024:
A New Fake News Outlet Starting In Montana? – Montana Sentinel
Free paper distributed to households: ‘Montana Independent’. Is it actually independent?
The Western Journal
Your tax dollars at work to keep men from getting pregnant. (Published January 13, 2024)
Taylor Swift being used as a tool to attract young voters? Biden Campaign Planning to Use Taylor Swift (January 29, 2024)
Link: Home Page – The Western Journal
The Gateway Pundit
Article below published on January 17, 2024
Read here what is being done to the J6 prisoners
Link to the GP home page: The Gateway Pundit
Patriotic Viral News
Article below published on January 15, 2024 – A warning from Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson: What’s happening in Ireland will happen here soon – and at scale.
Link to Patriotic Viral News home page: Patriotic Viral News
- Legitimate News: American Faith
- Real America’s Voice
- Warroom
- Flash Point (T & Th 1800 MST)
* * *
Self-sufficiency through natural food production: Food Forest Bible by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
A Canary in a Coal Mine: Hope for a Culture in Free Fall. A vehicle to encourage Christians to get out of the pews and VOTE.
Patrick Byrne’s page turner is out: Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean
- Countdown to Chaos – The Silent Federalization of Our Elections
- Stealth Invasion – by Leo Hohmann
- 5GW – A Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare by General Flynn
- Parallel Election by Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes
- American Tribal Tyranny by Elaine Willman
- Cliven Bundy American Patriot
- How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World (Paperback)
- The Memo by Rich Higgins
- The Desecrators: Reclaiming One Nation Under God
- Muckraker by James O’keefe
- American Marxism by Mark R. Levine
- The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert J. Kennedy, Jr.
- If You Can Keep It: Promise of American Liberty by Eric Metaxas
- In Trump Time by Peter Navarro
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“Vindicating Trump”, by Dinesh D’Sousa. Watch trailer HERE.
“FLYNN” movie now available on YouTube. FLYNN is a captivating documentary that delves deep into the life and trials of General Michael T. Flynn. This film takes the audience on a journey through the remarkable career of Flynn, beginning with his commendable rise through the ranks of the United States Military.
What is the goal of the movie “Civil War”? Propaganda for Corrupt Establishment Media ‘Journalism’? Discussed in the Western Journal article by Michael Austin, April 20, 2024.
“The Great Awakening” by Mikki Willis 2023. A documentary well worth rewatching to assess today’s events.
“The Fall of Deceit” covers government overreach and persecution of Christians in America – Sky Films website
The Real Story of January 6, Part 2 – The Long Road
Censored and Controlled, Judicial Watch
“The Fall of Minneapolis” with Liz Collins exposes clips and statements that were withheld from both the jury and the public during the trial for the death of George Floyd.
2000 Mules Trailer Exposes Ballot Stuffing & Election Fraud
“The Police State” shows how We The People are now targeted by 3-Letter Agencies
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The Rise of Global Government Understanding the Unprecedented Times We Live
“So Help Me God”: What is the Purpose of an Oath? – American Minute with Bill Federer
Mel K & Christie Hutcherson On Being Brave, Standing Up & Fighting Back To Save Humanity
Salem Now: WATCH 2002 Mules and other documentaries