Click below for a registration application, or visit the elections office at the court house in Polson.
MT voter registration application:
You can check your voter information by scanning the Q-code below:
Upcoming Elections
Be prepared! Glean all the information you can to know which ones of the candidates will be most likely to support your views and speak for YOU! Find ways you can take action NOW to help achieve your goals in the political arena.
Please look for ideas under “Take Action”.
It is very important that all eligible voters exercise their right to be heard by casting their ballots.
Excerpt from the America’s Future newsletter:
“Americans want our country back. We want peace and prosperity, law and order, and our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And thus, in spite of the attacks coordinated by the media, federal law enforcement, and political operatives left and right, Americans are looking to the man who promises to restore the country to where it was just three years ago when he left. African-Americans, Hispanics, women are trending toward the opposition candidate and — and you’ll even see Hollywood celebrities on social media reversing their earlier positions and embracing America First. That’s because it’s the natural inclination of all Americans — to put our great nation, our communities, and our families first.”
- For questions about voter registration, voting, or elections in general:
- call the Secretary of State’s toll free voter hotline at
888-884-VOTE (8683) or email
To report suspected election law violations:
- visit the Secretary of State’s Fair Elections Center at
If you have questions about where you vote, if you are registered, or about your absentee ballot, please visit My Voter Page.
Physical Address:
Montana Secretary of State
Elections and Voter Services Division
Montana State Capitol
1301 E 6th Avenue
Helena, MT 59620Mailing Address:
Montana Secretary of State
Elections and Voter Services Division
PO Box 202801
Helena, MT 59620-2801Phone Numbers:
(406) 444-9608
Fax (406) 444-2023Email:
- call the Secretary of State’s toll free voter hotline at