Great win for We the People in the 2024 Elections. However, we just need to get more active and more focused and not let up! Jovan Pulitzer explains why (warning for some foul language…): Congratulations America! Is This REALLY Happening? WHAT’S Next? Donald J Trump wants to heal the country, and we need to […]
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America-First Patriot Republicans
of Lake County Montana
The Republican Central Committee of Lake County Montana consists of the locally elected and appointed officials of the state’s Republican Party.
The Mission of the Lake County Montana Republican Central Committee is to honor and uphold the America-First Patriot Republican and Constitutional values of life, liberty, freedom, self-reliance, self-defense, fiscal responsibility, sanctity of property rights, and the preservation of the Republic.
This mission is accomplished by identifying, recruiting, supporting, and electing America-First Conservative candidates who will, without fail, support and defend the Constitutional values of our country, state, and county.
Let’s Work Together.
Brussel Sprouts for Dessert? Try to Ingest RCV… No Thank You!
Montana CI-126/127. Here’s a simple illustration to explain why I will be voting NO. (Follow Jennifer on Facebook!) A group of 100 people vote on dessert. The choices are: Brownies Apple Pie Brussel sprouts Peas The votes come in: 49 people vote for Brownies, 24 in favor of Apple Pie, 17 in favor of Brussel Sprouts, […]
Ryan Zinke’s Efforts Paid Off!
Rep Zinke made himself available to Lake County residents Ryan answering questions from veterans at the VFW Hall in Ronan on October 18. (Photo by Kathy Shore) This Warrior does not campaign from the basement! Jumping in to help us wave signs in downtown Polson. (Photos by V Culver and Jack Curren) Speaking to a […]
America-First Patriotic Republicans
FINISH Trump’s wall and secure our borders
PROTECT election integrity through voter photo ID
STOP liberal spending
DEFEND the Second Amendment
FIGHT for the unborn
EXPAND access to public lands and hunting for Montanans
Lets Go To Work Current Events
Welcome to the Team!
Connect with us, or attend a meeting or event. We are for traditional American Values.
If you are too, then we would like to see you.
Republican Women
LCRW is a vibrant group of women and men who are passionate about promoting conservative ideals and the candidates who embody such ideals.
Republican Women
Pachyderm Club
We invite you to join like-minded folks for stimulating bi-monthly conversations promoting voter education to empower and motivate citizens to grass-roots action. We believe Government is made more responsive when informed citizens participate.
Pachyderm Club
Central Committee
We serve Lake County by honoring and upholding the America-First Patriot Republican and Constitutional values of life, liberty, freedom, self-reliance, self-defense, fiscal responsibility, sanctity of property rights, and the preservation of our Constitutional Republic.