With many forms of maladministration proven in connection with the 2020 and 2022 elections nationwide, it has become evident that lawmakers, poll workers, possible auditors as well as the general public (the voters themselves) can benefit greatly from training on different aspects of the election processes. How do we know if a ballot is authentic, how do we know if our vote will count as intended, how do we know what the machines ballots are put into actually do?
Food for thought:
Join FireAxe.Academy for detailed information on the hundreds of ways your vote can be compromised! A host of short informative videos can enlighten listeners in minutes on, for example, the subjects listed in the above meme.
The video below discusses three very important subjects: 1. Voter rolls, and how to do the work on them right and make it count. 2. Blank ballots. A vigilant voter took on herself to audit ballot statistics in the elections in San Francisco, and discovered that a mass of blank ballots went into the system in 2020, and now we know blank ballots seem to float in systems all over the country. Why? 3. Who has read/write access to voter rolls? What are the implications?
Watch the video here.
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FireAxe.Academy gives you a good idea of evidence that can be suppressed so it never sees the light in courts. Courts must have empirical evidence. Thousands of statements – affidavits – were turned in after the elections in 2020, but what happened to them? Well, if they aren’t of the kind courts must pay attention to – jurat affidavits, they CAN be ignored, obviously. Learn the difference. Notary Essentials: The difference between acknowledgments and jurats | NNA (nationalnotary.org)