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Pachyderm guest speaker – February 14
We will be holding our February 14 Pachyderm meeting at the Polson Rural Fire Station at 12 noon – back to our original schedule of keeping meetings on Fridays! Our guest speaker will be Paralegal Pascal Redfern who has been actively involved in helping fight the Water Compact and protecting the rights of Montana’s citizens. Pascal will provide an update of where we stand with the water court proceedings, next steps and how we are all able to help.
Based on the very interesting discussions on February 1 at the Plains event (about 80 people attending), this is a meeting that all Lake County residents should take an interest in!
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Reminder – Dues are now due and payable if you have not already paid. The annual dues are $40 per person for LCRW and Pachyderms, each club separately.
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In Kalispell – February 17
Republican Women – Dr Annie Bukacek speaking on A.I.
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LCRW General Meeting – March 3
NOTE: These meetings put on by the Lake County Republican Women are informational and everyone is welcome! Men who are brave enough to walk in will not be turned away either! (Wink, wink.) Sit down and enjoy the snacks offered and walk away with more knowledge. – The guest speaker on February 3 was “Doc” O. Chung. He spoke on all the great work done by Gold Star Moms ever since the organization was founded in 1917. Great learning experience!
Guest speaker March 3: Michael Hewston
Michael can help you with navigating your computer and the internet – your questions will steer the class. Intended for novices, so don’t be afraid to admit to your struggles!
LCRW General Meeting
March 3, 2025
Polson Library
11:30 Social Gathering
Meeting from 12:00-1:00
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Other Upcoming Meetings/Events in Lake County
You may be interested in attending these as well!
Montana Constitution, discussion – March 7
Upper Seven Law is doing a Constitution Roadshow focused on discussing the special significance of our Montana Constitution at the Polson Library Friday, March 7 at 6:30. Upper Seven is a non-partisan Law firm that has a grant to educate the citizens of Montana on our Constitution.
As always, exercise due diligence when preparing for events and listening to speakers. Upper Seven states that they are non-partisan; however, some causes they support may not align with your view of America First policies. Which could make the discussion even more interesting!
Presentation and book-signing – March 8
On March 8, at 10 am at the Polson Library, David “Doc” O. Chung will give another presentation and sign your books. Doc wrote the book “Face of the Enemy”. Available, for example, on Amazon – five stars!
Update on legislative session – March 12
Second gathering organized by Upper Seven Law will be with our state representatives during the transmittal period on Wednesday, March 12 at 6:30 at the Ronan Community Center. As we did during the last legislative session Lake County Dems are partnering with the Farm Bureau/Lake County GOP via Susan Lake so voters can hear from our representatives on how the legislative session is going and have an opportunity to ask questions.
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Get involved!
Attend meetings to see how you can help. The wins we now celebrate can be attributed to people who put their hearts into the fight. There are so many ways YOU can contribute!
Local Action Equals National Impact. Stay in the Know!
(>>> General Michael Flynn)
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For minutes from meetings, once typed out, please see the page of each group.
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Times and Locations for All America First Republican Recurring Events
- Lake County Republican Women (LCRW): This group meets the FIRST MONDAY of each month 11:30 am to 1 pm at Lake County Public Library, 102 1st St E in Polson.
- Pachyderms: The Pachyderm Club, the educational branch of the Republican party which features speakers and local officials of all political persuasions, meets the SECOND and FOURTH FRIDAY of each month at 12 noon at the Polson Rural Fire House, 25 Regatta Road, Polson Montana.
- Lake County Central Committee (LCRCC): The LCRCC meets the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month at 6:30PM at the Polson Rural Fire House, 25 Regatta Road, Polson Montana.
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Local Action Equals National Impact. Stay in the Know!
(>>> General Michael Flynn)
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