Petition Filed with SCOTUS March 14
“It is like a bank telling the public they have the most secure vault in the world, and then taping the combination on the wall next to the vault door. Even worse, key logging features that would record system activity showing such control can also be manipulated or disabled, thereby rendering any penetration of this system nearly undetectable.”
– Page 13 of Filing
Read the complete filing HERE.
Link to US Supreme Court docket HERE.
Declarations by experts found at
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Charlie Kirk and Turning Point Action are encouraging us to “Chase The Vote”. Yes, absolutely, we must get the vote out!
You can help by talking to friends, family, and neighbors and discussing how crucial it is for We the People to activate and show up at the polls. We must outvote a system that is working against us, so be mindful of how, when, and where you cast your vote.
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More and more people are becoming aware of strange things happening in elections. It means that we need to vote now MORE THAN EVER before!
From the Western Journal:
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the 2024 election is the most important of most Americans’ lifetimes. As that election nears, we at The Western Journal are committed to cutting through the lies and exposing the truth about the left’s plans to end America as we know it.
They’re going to do everything they can to silence the truth and erase conservatives like you and like us. But they can’t do that if we join together.
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Important to know what any candidate stands for:
Elected officials may be pushing agendas you do not like. How about our water rights?
Think about who promotes the Water Compact. What is the stance on PL280?
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A recent newsletter from iVoterGuide recommends:
Inform Yourself
How do you know whether the elections in your county are being conducted according to the law? Become a poll watcher to find out. Poll watchers make sure election workers are enforcing and observing the law when ballots are cast and counted. In short, poll watchers provide accountability. To become a poll watcher, you may need to be appointed by a candidate, political party, or issue group.
Inform yourself about best practices for securing elections. What is your state doing to protect election integrity? This is not iVoterGuide’s area of expertise, but you can find an assessment of your state’s laws from the Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard. Then contact your elected officials to request that they do more to secure your elections.
Find out where your candidates stand on election integrity. For example, when iVoterGuide evaluates candidates for state legislature, governor, Secretary of State, and other state offices, we ask whether they believe people should be able to vote without photo identification. You may need to do your own research if your candidates failed to answer our questionnaire or if our voter guide doesn’t cover every election on your ballot (yet!).
Take Action
Tell 10 friends to register to vote. The simplest way to counter election fraud is to overwhelm it with legitimate votes. Point your friends to our article, Now’s the Time to Register to Vote, to get them started!
Serve as an election worker. Did you know that in 2016, two election workers in Texas conspired to illegally cast a ballot for one of their daughters? Thankfully, other election workers noticed and reported the fraud. This is just one example of the need for honest people to serve in these positions. You can find out how to serve through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
This is the most basic act of defiance against voter fraud. In response to the question, “Will my vote count?”, a good friend and iVoterGuide staff member said,
“There is a way to secure a 100% guarantee that your vote will not count: stay home and let others make the decisions on who should have power to impact your life and family.”
The fewer people who vote, the easier it is to swing an election. That’s true with legal or fraudulent votes! If you and I stay home, we censor ourselves and fulfill the fraudsters’ wishes. We become the perpetrators of cancel culture by cancelling ourselves! Don’t give in!
Be Bold
Do you believe God is sovereign? I do. Let’s live like Christ truly is on the throne … which He is. “For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” (Romans 13:1) God created governments, and He appoints rulers, kings, and even presidents.
How big is your God? There is no problem too great for my God! He is not confounded when sinful people try to subvert justice, order, and liberty. He has put us here “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).
Let’s not grow weary of doing good (including voting wisely!), even when evil appears very powerful. Proverbs
28:1 says, “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Let’s not flee from our duty when we are in the right.
Stay informed. Stay active. Know what your candidates believe … and vote boldly!