My Faith Votes ( reports:
41 million Christians say they’re not going to vote this year.
And 32 million Christians who regularly attend church also say they aren’t planning to vote – a number that is far, far greater than the number of votes that have decided every election going back decades.
How can this be with issues like CI-128 on the ballot? Christian values at stake!
Parental rights, mutilation of children’s bodies, ending the possibilities to amazing lives of babies conceived.
Fortunately, a lot of good work has been done to change the mindset on voting among Christians in Lake County. For one, our representative running for re-election in House District 13, Linda Reksten, has gone around talking to pastors of many churches in Polson and beyond. She has been well received, but it is not too late to help her spread the word in case there still are Christians missing out on the opportunity to shape our future.
If you haven’t already, get a hold of the book Charles Garner has put out for us to use as a vehicle that can help change the direction of our country (see below). All pastors should have it and preach to their listeners to get out of the pews and go VOTE!
The words of Charles Garner are so true:
“A Canary in a Coal Mine: Hope for a Culture in Free Fall”
Co-authored by Charles Garner. This book is a vehicle that can help to save our country. It needs to be distributed far and wide.
The LCRCC invited author and historian Charles Garner to two meetings on May 1. The author spoke about a book that he sees as a vehicle for turning out the vote – votes that could have helped save the nation in 2020. It is a compelling story of how we need to make sure no Christian is left sitting in the pews at election time.
Charles Garner held the listeners captive on May 1, and did the same at the Lake County Republican Women’s meeting on Monday May 6. If you missed the event, watch for meeting minutes on Women’s Club page on this site. There is a lot YOU can do to help the America First cause, beginning with turning out votes that need to be activated to save our nation.
Amazon Books: A Canary in a Coal Mine: Hope for a Culture in Free Fall
Amazon description:
“A Canary in a Coal Mine deals with big issues–potential nation killers–from a historical, biblical/theological perspective. We set out principles of personal and national repentance. We urge you to educate yourself, to engage the fray, to enlist everyone possible to join you.”