Points made by Tam Newby regarding CI-128 should give any reader pause. Sadly, this initiative was voted through in Montana to be enshrined in our Constitution. Did the yay-sayers truly understand the implications?
Studies indicate that 92% of abortions occur because the pregnancies were inconvenient! Remember, abortions are already legal in Montana, though many seem to think CI-128 is aimed at giving women that ‘freedom of choice’. That freedom is already there!
CI-128 would amend our Montana Constitution to provide the “right to abortion” based upon “fetal viability”. Shouldn’t we see SUPPORT for LIFE instead? Tam states: “Over 60% of animal shelters in the U.S. have no-kill policies. Let’s act responsibly and protect life from the beginning” – for babies too!
What’s missing in Montana’s public square? Tam asks.
“Montana doesn’t need outside money to decide what rights and responsibilities Montana women have under Montana law. Total contributions opposing CI-128: $191,362. Total contributions supporting CI-128: $16,482,666. [Ballotpedia] How much of this is out-of-state interference? Why do people elsewhere care what Montanans want to decide about Montanans?” Good point!
Read what Tam Newby found when delving into the issue of CI-128. Click this link:
Help Tam and others who believe in Pro Life spread the word. An easy way is to post these informative memes! Social media for real news!
Thank Sandra Carr for creating these posters for fighting the sneaky wordings of CI-128 that are misleading so many voters!