Today is religious liberty day and we should consider our freedoms. We are free, in America at this point, to practice our religion according to our conscience. As long as the practice of our religion does not encroach on someone else’s safety and right to life. Christianity in the form of fulfilling the Gospel is to win over hearts and minds, that is the New Testament. The religions that use force or death are not Christ centered. Anyone who demands compliance is not of Christ. The Old Testament showed us how that looked when only laws were applied. The Gospel brings out the Spirit of the law. There are sects of religious views that adhere to only law keeping as the way to be saved or find favor in God’s eye. There is a God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob or a god of Ishmael. We are to choose which one to serve. It is about the Spirit in us. Are we compassionate or are we about force and compliance. Many people manipulate this to their power-seeking advantage. They apply the Gospel with force and that is Anti Christ. It goes against what Christ taught. There is no compromise of the ideologies. One will seek to rule the other in one way or other. The supreme law of the land is our Constitution, not one’s religion. One’s religion is only a guide. The ultimate goal of a follower of Christ is to have the biblical principles govern our way of life in all things, even our politics. If we seek the best for someone else then it will automatically align with the principles of the bible.
We once had laws we now see as wrong. Just because it was the law, it did not make it right. Many things we have laws for now will be seen as wrong in the future. To allow one religion to rule the land in all its aspects is wrong. It becomes a threat that produces genocide because anything that goes against its ideology must be quashed and gotten rid of, or else they may lose their power grip. We must be on guard, and we must be aware and stand up for others American constitutional rights as long as it does not interfere with someone’s ability to live safely and justly. That is why our constitution is the supreme law of our land. We should be able to practice our religion as long as it does not dominate, force or interfere with others right to practice their religion. It should not be used to make others pay a tax to exist or make others pay higher costs for insurance like we saw during Covid; it should not make others be forced to come up with ways to survive on the fringes, it should not make people be compelled to say things or support things they don’t agree with. It is called FREEDOM for a reason. Manipulation is when tactics aforementioned are applied to forced compliance. This divide and conquer tactic is alive and well today in our politics. The following article will support how the creep of totalitarianism occurs. The same things we are seeing today is how all genocides come to fruition. The book ‘Rules for Radicals’ is not just a book but an instruction manual. I would suggest it be read along with the book ‘It Is about Islam’, because it is. This is a controversial post but if we do not address this truth then we are doomed to take every step backward the tyrants will force us to take.
By Tammi Baer
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