Alerts have been issued for urgent action to be taken on HB 316 and SJ 4 and MORE!
ProLife Montana:
From Dr. Annie Bukacek:
Please contact the MT House Representatives about Personhood Bill HB 316 designed to protect human life from conception (link to language below). It is unknown when it will be voted upon by the House as a whole (2nd reading), but it could happen any time.
A baby is a baby, born and unborn
HB 316, the Personhood Bill is sponsored by Representative Lee Deming – heard at 8 am in Room 137. For testimonies on line, you would have to be registered with written testimony attached 2 hours prior to the hearing beginning, but even after that deadline you can listen in. Also, legislators can be contacted after the hearings, for example, by email to give them reasons why you are for or against a specific bill and help them make their decisions with more views on the matter.
Bill Explorer – text of HB 316
SJ 4, a Joint Resolution, which according to Lark Chadwick could completely decimate the Second Amendment!? We all need to keep an eye on what is going on in the legislature and exercise discernment regarding what the final goal may be with various bills put forward. The Second Amendment is not mentioned specifically in the text of SJ 4. It is an application for a Convention of States to require a balanced budget. Form your own opinion. Read up on what a Convention of States is and can do. “Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, ‘limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials’.” (from: COSAction )
Is there a possibility of a runaway convention that would bring up the 2nd A if it is not on the accepted agenda? Not according to the following document: 10_Facts to Rebut the Mythology of a Runaway Convention Dated 20FEB2014.pdf
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Bills concerning firearms are also on the table.
Two of MSSA’s bills are up for public hearings before the House Judiciary Committee (HJC) this week. We need you to weigh in with the Committee on these. More information as shared by Dr. Annie B:
HB 433 will be heard by the HJC on Thursday, 2/13, at 8AM. HB 433 would prohibit judicial orders disarming a nonviolent person pending trial. Pre-trial judicial orders requested by prosecutors often contain a long list of conditions – don’t leave town, no alcohol or drugs, don’t associate with bad people, get a job, and usually no guns. This quickly-approved court order then goes to the feds via the state fusion center, whereupon the feds designate the person subject to this court order a federal prohibited person. This person then commits a federal felony if the person EVER possesses a firearm – he or she loses the RKBA for life.
Attending legislative hearing – Pointers from Montana Shooting Sports Association
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Read, listen in, and decide for yourself, weigh in accordingly on any bill that is brought forward!
Find by subject under Bill Explorer.
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